2009年11月15日 星期日

Dean Ornish's The Spectum:癌及各種慢性病的逆轉勝

雷久南博士在她的身心靈整体健康書中提及 Ornish 醫生。以後我就對這個醫生產生興趣。最近買了他的Spectrum書來讀,獲益良多。

Ornish醫生是第一個用近代科學統計方法來研究食物可控制並可更進一步逆轉勝攝護腺癌的醫生。他本人是一個素食者(但食用魚油保健我覺得是個敗筆,詳情看Budwig對魚油的批評)。哈佛醫學院訓練的。我長期受攝莈護腺之害是我長期奮鬥要逆轉勝的動机( 我身体健康有二個罩門需要特別保護:十二指腸及攝護腺 )看了Ornish的書給我極大的鼓勵及鞭策。別人為求健康有那麼高的意志力去行健康的生活,連癌都能逆轉勝,我怎麼會做不到而輸給他們呢?加油吧!去除潰瘍的指腸及去除發炎肥大的攝護腺吧!
我有一位老友有糖尿病。他不覺得可逆轉勝o是不為也非不能也。Julian Walker醫生在二十年前就出書詳細記載如何簡單改變生活及飲食習慣就能逆轉勝。Dean Ornish再一次以詳細的數據說明他研究的成果。

Ornish's Spectrum
Spectrum在Ornish書中的意思是指食物的多樣性而言。Trans Fat反式脂肪, animal fat動物性脂肪( 不只在肥肉中,Cheese,Milk Cream也都含量高),精制食品污染的食品是在食譜的壞的一端。另一端是有机新鮮的蔬菜水果及全穀類。Ornish跟我看過其它研究最大的不同是他認為植物性的天然未加工的食物如Nuts, Seeds及Avacado都不能吃。因他們含太高的脂肪。Ann Wigmore 認為avacado是最佳的食物之一,她也認為nuts優良食物。Joe Fuhrman醫生認為一切天然未加工食物都是优質食物. Dr. Cambell也做如是觀。
所以如果你要依從Dr. Ornish, 那就自己做選擇。



4 則留言:

Unknown 提到...

Hi, 阿使:

Please excuse me for writing in English as I type Chinese characters extremely slowly.

Yesterday, I saw your message on 許達夫醫師's website. Then, I visited your blog and quickly glanced through the entire blog. I like it a lot! Thank you so much for digesting hard-to-find-and-read English books and share their essence, especially in Chinese!, with people in need to benefit them. I admire such compassionate spirit! Awesome!

I have been following Dr. Lai Jiu Nan's advice on healthy body and mind, therefore your blog looks to me written in the language that I am familiar with.

Then, it occurred to me that if permitted, I might ask you 'many' questions regarding natural healing.

At least, to begin with, I presume that it's ok for me to ask one :)

On Dr. Hsu's website, he strongly endorsed 抗氧化水機 for 電解水. He even put it that such water was critical for his recovery from cancer. Do you think the statement justifies? And, does the brand he sells live up to his words of recommendation?

One of his readers asked him to provide the lab test of the water machine but he failed to. Does it mean that his credibility is in question?

I found the following website that sells another brand that Dr. Lu endorsed. Will this one be better, according to their respective spec and lab proof?


Thank you for your time!


Unknown 提到...
Unknown 提到...

Hi, 阿使:

I am trying to find out if there's a way for you to reply to my email address without me posting the address here openly.


阿使 提到...
