2009年9月10日 星期四

癌症的Philip E. Binzel療法

我今天要介紹給大家的是Binzel醫生的療法。炳哲醫生以維他命及酵素,Nitrilosides (B17,Latrile 為主),以及全素,全穀的食療治癒無數的癌症病人不管癌細胞有沒有擴散。
炳哲醫生1955年開始行醫。1974年因看了Ed Griffin的World Without Cancer而轉變為一個以自然飲食、維他命及酵素及B17為主,治療癌症的醫生(根據他的書他只一星期三天看癌症病人,其餘大概為普通病人).B17是近代最具爭論性遭美國FDA禁賣的營養品。 (根據一切討論,B17及B15都不是維他命。但都是從杏子Apricot可大量提煉而得。B17可以分解癌細胞的保護膜,因而讓殺手細胞攻殺癌細胞。 B15 Pangamic acid可降低細胞的lactic acid。而有些人觀察到癌腫的lactic acid 較高,所以B15炳哲醫生亦用來治癌。FDA亦不准販賣B15)
含B17的食物很多。如apricot seeds, peach seeds, apple seeds, grape seeds, blackberries, blueberries, strawberries, bean sprouts豆芽, lima beans,watercress,spinach,Bamboo shoots,Alfalfa sprouts,Lentil sprouts,whole nuts,millet小米, wheat grass麥草,and more.
如果將B17從炳哲醫生的療法拿走則他的方法與我以前介紹的凱里牙醫的療法或者哥盛醫生的療法實大同小異。再加上B17也可從很多食物攝取到這樣說來有沒有B17是根本不重要的。吳永志先生出了一本"不一樣的養生法"在台熱賣。但不幸,學經歷被抓包。其實我與吳先生有一面之緣。他看來確實很年青,很健康。(除非他也吹牛,澎風他的年紀。哈哈。)但不像他說的,他不愛財這回事。最喜歡問血型開食療單收錢。但一次收多少錢我忘了。給吳先生一點credit吧!他說用高速果汁机蘋果連子一起打不失為多攝取B17的方法。但我更喜歡一天二茶匙的wheat grass。我太太喜歡吃小米( B17奇多)我看來也要跟進。我太太也喜歡自發豆芽又好吃又有營養(很多B17)更可免豆芽肥胖劑漂白劑的污染。


I am sure that there are still some of you who are concerned about "What are you going to do about the tumor?" There are only three times when I am concerned about the tumor:

1. If the tumor, because of its size or position, is interfering with some vital function, you have to deal with the tumor by whatever means are best available.

2. If the tumor, because of its size or position, is causing pain, you have to deal with the tumor by whatever means are available.

3. If the presence of the tumor presents a psychological problem for the patient, have it removed.

In general, if the tumor is easily accessible and if the patient wishes to do so, I like to have the tumor removed. Not all doctors doing nutritional therapy agree with that. I feel that by removing the tumor the body has one less thing with which to cope. If the tumor is remote, not causing any problem and the patient agrees, I leave the tumor alone. Again, I stress the fact that the tumor is merely a symptom, not a cause. If you take care of the body, the body will take care of the tumor. That doesn't mean that the tumor will go away, but it is unlikely to cause a problem.

I am not opposed to the use of radiation. I am not opposed to the use of chemotherapy. There are times when a small amount of radiation for a short period of time can relieve pain and/or be life-saving to a patient. There are times when a small amount of chemotherapy for a short period of time can do the same. It is not the use of these that I so vehemently oppose, it is their abuse. The theory used in this country is that, if a little does some good, a whole lot more will do a whole lot better. Patients are getting radiation and chemotherapy who do not need it. Those who do need it are often getting far more than they need, thereby doing them much more harm than good.

The ultimate question is, "Does nutritional therapy work?" That depends on how you define "work." If you are tumor oriented and are looking for something to make the tumor magically disappear, no, it doesn't. If you are looking for something that will prevent the disease from spreading and save the life of the patient, yes, it does.

One Doctor's Experience with Nutrition in the Treatment of Cancer Patients
a book by Philip E. Binzel, Jr., M.D.

