這就引起我的興趣來了.所以我就上去買了Robert Becker的書來看.一看之下讓我十分著迷.Robert提到用極低直流電流讓骨頭再生及消毒的詳細經驗及觀察所得.書中也提到低直流電對治癌腫的介紹.這就更引起的更大的興趣了.
我於是再去追讀Dr. Nordestrom 及 George O'Clock的網上書(目前才讀幾頁)及其它報導.以下是我的綜合報導.
1.用低電流(MA milliamper 或者NA nano ampere )治癌腫瘤是可行可靠以及高治癒率.可比美化療放療及手術.
8.中國以曾幼林(北京中日友誼醫院)臨床實用為主有成千上萬的統計資料可供參考.Nodestrom醫生 將低電流治癌方法引進中國,而由曾幼林醫生發揚光大.曾幼林醫生是針灸大師曾式範針灸痲醉動剖肚手術.但可惜我尚無法找到曾醫生的中英文文章閱讀.
9. 美國廣播界名人Barbara Wakter曾為低電流治癌報播過一個專題.
11. 可以DIY 治癌用TENS嗎?應該是一個很有趣的研究.我的gut feeling is YES!!
The Body Electric By Robert Becker and Gary Selden Harper 1985
可網上閱讀或 Free download:
Electrotherapeutic Devices: Principles, Design, and Applications By George D O'Clock Artech House 2007
eBay 或 Amazon 有賣但太貴 但可Google book search on line read
Biologically Closed Electric Circuits (BCEC)
CLINICAL, EXPERIMENTAL AND THEORETICAL EVIDENCE FOR AN ADDITIONAL CIRCULATORY SYSTEM By Björn E W Nordenström, M.D., Professor Emeritus of Diagnostic Radiology,Karolinska Institute and Hospital, Stockholm, Sweden 1983
利用低電流 ( 未知?) ( 電壓20V - 25 V ? )高頻交流(100kHz 200-kHz) 外接探針原理
The NovoTTF is a six-pound device that patients carry with them in a small bag. The electrical current is sent from the device to four electrodes which are attached to the patient's shaved head. reported by Matthew Perrone of HuffintonPost, 04/15/2011
The man behind Novocure is Yoram Palti M.D., Ph.D
Yoram Palti, of the Technion–Israel Institute of Technology in Haifa, and his
colleagues have demonstrated another way to disrupt cell division: alternating
electric fields with intensities of just 1–2 V/cm. The fields they use, with
frequencies in the hundreds of kilohertz, were previously thought to do nothing
significant to living cells other than heating them. But Palti and colleagues
have conducted a small clinical trial showing that the fields have an effect in
slowing the growth of tumors.
These special fields alter the tumor
cell polarity at an intermediate frequency (on the order of 100-300 kHz). The
frequency used for a particular treatment is specific to the cell type being treated (e.g.,200kHz for GBM).
At one-second intervals, the field orientation switched between front to back and
side to side, so that the field would have the greatest effect on tumor cells
dividing in all directions. Patients wore the electrodes 18 hours per day for up
to 18 months.
利用低直流電流( 100 - 200 nano amper per center meter of electrode ) 低電壓 ( < 10 v) 內扎探針 ( electrode can be silver )
Robert Becker
Luca Cucullo, Damir Janigro, and their colleagues at
the Cleveland Clinic have found that low-intensity alternating current with a
much lower frequency—about 50 Hz—can keep some types of cells from dividing.3
類似Robert Becker 實驗
Radiofrequency Therapy (RFT)
Dr Ahmed Sarwar Morshed is using most modern radiofrequency generator and the Leveen needle electrode, produced by Boston Scientific, an internationally reputed organization of the US and approved by the US Food and Drug Administration, for the treatment of cancer patients.at the Gastroliver Hospital in Bangladesh reported by BSS.
It is a high frequency AC current which stimulates the elements of tumour cells by entering into them and the temperature of the tumour climbs to 60 degrees Celsius after the heat is produced due to friction of the elements," he said.
ADELAIDE, Australia (Reuters Health) - Surgeons here who pioneered the use of electrical current to destroy liver tumours say they are optimistic that the treatment could be used for tumours of the pancreas and kidney as well. The treatment, called electrolysis, involves placing electrodes into liver tumours and surrounding tissue. A small electric current is then passed through the electrodes to destroy the tissue. In some cases, affected parts of the liver are removed surgically.
The leader of the surgical team investigating the treatment, Professor Guy Maddern of Adelaide University, told Reuters Health that the method causes a change in the acidity of the tissue and "poisons the tumour."
"It is less destructive than surgical removal of the tumour, and can be used to treat tumours that are awkwardly located, such as next to large blood vessels," he added. Maddern and his colleagues have treated 10 patients, with follow-up ranging from 6 to 43 months. Nine of the patients had bowel cancer that had spread to the liver, and one had cancer that originated in the liver.
In order to be included in the study, patients had to have no other untreatable tumour outside the liver, and to be fit for major surgery. All patients, said Maddern, had extensive disease in the liver.
Eight of the patients show no evidence of residual tumour at the treatment site. Five of these eight patients have developed new areas of tumour spread, while three have no evidence of new cancer growth.
"In any case, after surgical intervention without electrolysis, 60% of patients would be expected to develop new disease," Maddern said. "We are trying to increase the percent who don't get new disease."
When added to surgery to remove a tumour, Maddern noted, electrolysis increased the percentage of patients who were treatable with surgery from 20% to 25%. "We have been developing this technique for 5 years. We are now ready to move forward and are considering tumours of the pancreas and kidney," Maddern told Reuters Health. "They will be the next step."
Professor Guy Maddern
RP Jepson Professor of Surgery; Head of Discipline
Contact details
Discipline of Surgery
Level 6A, Main Building
The Queen Elizabeth Hospital
Ph: +61 (0)8 8222 6756
Fax: +61 (0)8 8222 6028
Email: guy.maddern@adelaide.edu.au
• Head, Discipline of Surgery, University of Adelaide
• Interim Head, School of Medicine, University of Adelaide
• Director, Division of Surgery, The Queen Elizabeth Hospital
• Director, Basil Hetzel Institute, The Queen Elizabeth Hospital
• Surgical Director, Australian Safety and Efficacy Register of New Interventional Procedures - Surgical (ASERNIP-S)
• Surgical Director, Country Health SA
Clinical interests
• Hepatobiliary surgery
• Colorectal hepatic metastatic disease
• Minimally invasive surgery
Research interests
• Development of techniques for liver tumour destruction (particularly minimally invasive techniques capable of destroying both primary and secondary liver tumours by the insertion of electrodes)
Current research offers hope for liver cancer patients
Professor Guy Maddern.
Full Image (698.9K)
Two electrodes are used to treat a tumour in the left lobe of a patient's liver. Gas from the electrolysis forms a cluster of bubbles around one electrode. The yellow structure is the divided ligamentum teres. Photo: Dr Guy Finch.
Full Image (259.63K)
Darkened liver tissue surrounding the large electrode has been destroyed by electrolysis. A smaller probe below it monitors the pH (acid/alkali) changes within the tissue.
Full Image (370.89K)
Friday, 30 June 2000
Cancers of the colon and rectum are among the most common. While early diagnosis offers good prospects for their treatment, many are diagnosed at a late stage. By then, a colo-rectal cancer which is in itself treatable has often spread to the liver.
Cancers of the liver are generally incurable. Only about 20% of livers diseased with tumours can be treated at present, and even then only with difficulty. Because the liver is essential for life and health, surgery is impossible when it involves the removal of excessive amounts of liver tissue. Transplants usually can not be considered.
A medical research team from Adelaide University has begun final trials on a new and promising treatment for these liver tumours. The surgeons, based in the Department of Surgery at Adelaide's Queen Elizabeth Hospital, are now tackling liver tumours with electrolysis.
Electrolysis involves passing an electric current through the liver, a process that produces chemical and physical changes. Electrolysis can split water into oxygen and hydrogen, or produce strong acids and alkalis from neutral solutions.
The surgical team has developed techniques for inserting electrodes into a liver tumour and using low voltage to move ions between them, liberating toxic substances that destroy the tumour chemically. The current can be controlled to deliver a predictable dose-dependent response over time, and even very large tumours can be treated.
"The tumour isn't burned,' explained Research Assistant Ms Paula Baxter, 'the current is too low. We have an apparently safe process of destroying the tumour with the chemical action of electrolysis."
The technology has been developed conjointly with the University of Leicester. Over the last 4 years, 5 doctors from Leicester have been collaborating with the Adelaide team, led by Professor Guy Maddern.
"This is a technique and a technology that has not been used anywhere else in the world for this sort of condition," said Professor Maddern. "It is now being published in recognised journals and we hope that if we can get it working efficiently, it will be picked up around the world," he said.
"By placing the electrodes very carefully into the tumour, we hope to treat patients without resorting to major surgery,' said Dr Guy Finch. 'We might even see the day when electrodes are left in the liver for several weeks, and patients come into the clinic for several sessions of treatment until the tumour is destroyed. It would be simple to manage, causing little discomfort and minimal disruption to patients' daily lives," he said.
Following initial work on animals, a pilot study on five patients showed complete tumour destruction in all cases. That trial led to the use of electrolysis to treat three further patients with inoperable liver tumours. A surgical procedure on one patient 12 months later showed no trace of the original tumour, and that patient is now at 20 months follow up. The other two patients are currently at 14 and 12 months follow up, and neither shows any evidence of liver tumours.
"The patients we've treated to date have all gone well," said Professor Maddern. "They continue to be so, and some of them are now alive and well at a period of time greater than twelve months," he said.
"I think that this is not going to be a cure-all for all people," said Professor Maddern, "but I think for those who have cancers in the liver that are considered to be inoperable, this makes the patients potentially operable," he said.
"If in the future the disease returns, after what we thought was a curative operation, we may well be able to treat these patients without the need for surgery," said Professor Maddern. "We expect that the technique will improve a lot over the next 12 months."
For any new form of cancer therapy to become accepted in clinical practice, it must be shown to improve patient survival. This is best shown by a 5-year follow up of a controlled clinical trial of patients with inoperable disease.
The Department of Surgery is very keen to have any patients with known liver cancers referred to them to be assessed for their suitability for electrolytic treatment.
Arrangements can be made directly with Professor Maddern's receptionist at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital ph (08) 8222 6750.
Bimodal electric tissue ablation: positive electrode studies
C Dobbins
C Brennan
S A. Wemyys-Holden
J Cockburn
Guy Maddern, Government of South Australia, SA Health
Background: Bimodal electric tissue ablation is a novel variation to standard radiofrequency ablation that produces significantly larger ablations by the addition of a direct electrical current. The negative electrode is attached to the radiofrequency current and the positive electrode is placed nearby. It has been identified that an electrolytic injury can occur at the positive electrode site. It is suggested that by increasing the surface area that is in contact with the positive electrode, the risk of tissue injury is reduced. This hypothesis was tested in a pig model. Methods: Thirty-six ablations were carried out in the livers of six pigs (six ablations per pig). Two were standard radiofrequency ablation controls and two were carried out with positive electrode attached to a scalpel blade. Two were carried out with positive electrode attached to a grounding pad. After 48 h, liver was harvested and the ablation sizes were compared. Skin biopsies were taken from the scalpel site and one from the pad site and examined histopathologically. Results: The scalpel blade ablations were significantly larger than controls and the grounding pad ablations (P < 0.001). The grounding pad ablation was significantly larger than controls. The scalpel blade skin site showed full-thickness tissue injury. The grounding pad site appeared microscopically normal. Conclusion: By increasing the surface area that connects to the positive electrode, significantly larger ablations can be carried out while minimizing the risk of associated tissue injury.
Alternating current electrical stimulation enhanced chemotherapy: a novel strategy to bypass multidrug resistance in tumor cells
Parallel cultures were exposed for 3 hours to increasing concentrations (1, 2, 4, and 8 microM) of doxorubicin following stimulation to 50 Hz AC (7.5 microA)
Damir Janigro1,3,4, Catalin Perju1, Vincent Fazio1, Kerri Hallene1, Gabriele Dini1, Mukesh K Agarwal2 and Luca Cucullo1*
Dr. Robert Beck's product
Our Mission
BreastCancerInitiative.com is focused on the development of a new method for detecting and treating breast cancer. Our core technology uses a single and relatively simple non-invasive device that initially operates in its detection mode to locate the breast cancer and then, using a critical part of the information provided in this process, switches to its therapeutic mode to eradicate the cancer.
Breast Cancer Screening
X-ray mammography is the "gold standard" for breast cancer screening. Mammography accounts for a reduction in breast cancer mortality of about 20%-30% for women of age 50-69, and of about 17% in women of age 40-49.
Limitations of Mammography
Mammography fails to detect 1 of 6 breast cancers. Furthermore, when the mammogram is read as suspicious of cancer, follow-up breast biopsy does not show a cancer in 80% of these patients, causing unnecessary stress and expense. In addition, the breast compression required to produce a good mammographic image can be painful, and there is exposure to small levels of X-ray radiation.
The National Cancer Institute, setting a balance between benefits and risks, recommends that women age 40 and older should have mammograms every 1 to 2 years.
Treating Breast Cancer
Cancer is characterized by a significant increase of cell division compared to that of normal tissue. This difference in the rate of division is the basis of current methods of treating cancer. High energy radiation and many chemotherapy drugs work by interfering with the cell division cycle. Unfortunately, some types of healthy cells divide as rapidly as cancer cells and are badly damaged as well. Such cells are found in bone marrow, the lining of the digestive tract, reproductive organs, and hair follicles. Some significant side effects of chemotherapy or irradiation is hair loss, anemia, and susceptibility to infection. The damage to healthy cells limits the extent of radiation or the drug dose and therefore limits the effectiveness of these treatments.
Our Core Technology
Current within tissue is due to the movement of ions. The opposition to this movement is called electrical bioimpedance. Our core technology is based on changes in bioimpedance characteristics of tissue that have been documented to occur when normal tissue undergoes malignant change. These changes serve as a marker for the presence of cancer.
BCI Breast Cancer Detection
Electrical bioimpedance is measured by applying a very small, imperceptible current between any two electrodes of a breast electrode array, for example, as developed previously by our group and shown to the right.
Our innovative technology has advanced, and we can now measure electrical bioimpedance with previously unattainable detail and precision to produce a 3-dimensional breast image such as illustrated right. The diagnostic accuracy of our new, patent-pending technology has the potential to equal or exceed that of digital mammography. A sample output, obtained from a patient with a malignant breast tumor is shown, with normal breast color-coded yellow and the malignancy colored green.
BCI Breast Cancer Eradication
BreastCancerInitiative (BCI) will be testing a new, patent-pending technology for eradication of breast cancer called Electrical Resonant Destruction. One of the bioelectrical tissue characteristics obtained as part of BCI cancer detection is tissue electrical resonant frequency. Energy applied to a structure at its resonant frequency will cause it to vibrate increasingly then uncontrollably if the applied energy is large enough. Since cell membranes have oppositely charged inner and outer surfaces, an alternating electric current will cause stress displacement of the membrane.
For cancer eradication, sufficient electrical energy is delivered via breast electrodes at the resonant frequency of the cancerous tissue to make membrane stress oscillations increase until cellular destruction occurs. The electrodes selected are those which bioimpedance measurement showed changes indicative of malignancy in the breast tissue underlying them.
Benefits of the New Technology
For Breast Cancer Screening
•Pain-free, no breast compression.
•Safe, no radiation.
•Results are automatic and immediate—No waiting.
•Convenience—The test can be performed in the family doctor’s office during an annual checkup.
For Breast Cancer Treatment
•Cell destruction is limited to the diseased area of the breast.
•Unlike chemotherapy, there is no spread of toxicity to rapidly dividing cells, e.g. in the bone marrow and hair follicles
•Treatment is non-invasive, rapid, with no discomfort.
•Treatment is safe, there is no ionizing radiation.
Who Are We?
BreastCancerInitiative.com is built around a core group of physicians, engineers, and programmers who have over 150 years of combined expertise in product development, manufacturing, clinical trials, and marketing in the high technology medical device field, including proven success in the use of bioimpedance for detection of breast cancer. Some of the more than 20 medical centers participating in our prior multinational clinical trial to assess the validity of bioimpedance for the detection of breast cancer are shown on the right.*
We have developed many ground-breaking medical devices in use throughout the world. All share the same attributes: they are based on proven biophysical principles and incorporate innovative engineering design. We are dedicated to the task of pursuing this new and promising direction for the detection and cure of breast cancer.
Electric Fields Kill Tumors
A promising device uses electric fields to destroy cancer cells in the brain.
By Katherine Bourzac on August 8, 2007
Zapping tumors: Brain-cancer patients in a trial for a portable device that sends a weak electric field into the brain must wear electrodes almost constantly. One patient in a pilot clinical trial for the device, who still had cancer after radiation, chemotherapy, and surgery, experienced a complete recovery. The MRI at top shows a tumor on the left side of this patient’s brain before treatment. The MRI at bottom, taken after eight months of treatment, shows no tumor.
An Israeli company is conducting human tests for a device that uses weak electric fields to kill cancer cells but has no effect on normal cells. The device is in late-stage clinical trials in the United States and Europe for glioblastoma, a deadly brain cancer. It is also being tested in Europe for its effectiveness against breast cancer. In the lab and in animal testing, treatment with electric fields has killed cancer cells of every type tested.
The electric-field therapy was developed by Yoram Palti, a physiologist at the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, in Haifa, who founded the company NovoCure to commercialize the treatment. Palti's electric fields cause dividing cancer cells to explode while having no significant impact on normal tissues. The range of electric fields generated by the device harms only dividing cells. And since normal cells divide at a much slower rate than cancer cells, the electric fields target cancer cells. "An Achilles' heel of cancer cells is that they have to divide," says Herbert Engelhard, chief of neuro-oncology in the department of neurosurgery at the University of Illinois, Chicago.
Even after chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and surgery, about 85 to 90 percent of glioblastoma patients' cancer still progresses, and their survival rates are low, says Engelhard. He has about 10 glioblastoma patients enrolled in the trial, which is testing the unusual treatment in patients for whom all other approaches have failed. Engelhard says that the results are encouraging but that it's too early to comment on the treatment's efficacy.
The electric fields' different effects on normal and dividing cells mostly have to do with geometry. A dividing cell has what Palti calls "an hourglass shape rather than a round shape." The electric field generated by the NovoCure device passes around and through round cells in a uniform fashion. But the narrow neck that pinches in at the center of a dividing cell acts like a lens, concentrating the electric field at this point. This non-uniform electric field wreaks havoc on dividing cells. The electric field tears apart important biological molecules, such as DNA and the structural proteins that pull the chromosomes into place during cell division. Dividing cells simply "disintegrate," says Palti.
•View an image and graphic of the device.
Palti, who for years has been studying the effect of electric fields on cancer and normal cells, says that he has verified this mechanism in computer models and experiments in the lab. "The physics are solid," says David Cohen, associate professor of radiology at Harvard Medical School.
Patients in the glioblastoma clinical trial wear the device almost constantly, carrying necessary components in a briefcase. A wire emerging from the briefcase connects to adhesive electrodes covering the skull. Alternating electric fields pass through the scalp, into the skull, and on to the brain. The Food and Drug Administration approved the device for late-stage clinical trials for glioblastoma following promising results from a pilot study in 10 patients, one of whom had a complete recovery.
Science magazine #130, 1959, Humphrey and Seal
Biophysical Approach Toward Tumor Regression In Mice
Mice were given implants of sarcoma-180 tumors. Two external electrodes were placed on the skin, one over the tumor area. 3mA of direct current was applied for 4.8 hours daily, alternating hours between treatment and non-treatment so that total time was almost 9 hours. After 15 days the treated tumors were 58% smaller than the tumors in the control group. "By the 21st day all control animals had died and a 60 percent total regression of the test tumors had occurred. (Total regression means that the tumor had decreased progressively in volume, hardened, and dropped off, leaving a new skin surface at the former tumor site.)"
Medical Hypotheses (1997) 49, pg 297-300
Targeting a key enzyme in cell growth: A novel therapy for cancer
This study hypothesizes that the successes of studies of direct electrical current (DC) against cancer tumors is due to the fact that DC inhibits the RR enzyme which is necessary for cancer cell growth. The paper reviews other studies that had, amongst others, these results; 1) 60% of the treated mice had their tumors decrease/harden/drop-off using external electrodes at 3mA current for 4.8 hours daily for 21 days, 2) 88% tumor destruction in hamsters using one external electrode and one implanted needle electrode at 3mA for 1 hour daily for 4 days, 3) 98% average reduction in tumor size in hamsters using one external electrode and one implanted needle electrode at 2.4mA for 1 hour daily for 5 days.
Alternative Cancer Treatment with few side effects: The Electro Carcinoma Therapy (ECT)
This is information from the German clinic which references a 30% success rate (of total tumor destruction) that the Chinese had with over 10,000 patients. An additional 40% had reduction of tumor size. They applied the DC current to platinum wire electrodes, in the form of needles, injected directly into the tumors. In contrast; the German Marburg Institute works almost exclusively with metal electrode plates applied to the skin which gives them the same results. Their treatments are for 2-3 hours for at least 2 consecutive days. They vary the current amount according to tumor size and density.
Holt Clinic
261 Stirlling Highway
Western Australia 6910
Tel: +61 (0)8 9285 4000
Fax +61 (0)8 9285 4090
Documentation : http://www.rife.de/holts_documentation.html
A Simple Explanation
Treating cancer by ultra high frequency waves.
Cancer - Three features uniquely define cancer.
1 - It grows exponentially. That means every cell is dividing all the time. One cancer cell divides into two, then into four, then into eight, 16, 32 etc etc.
2 - It is irreversible.
3 - It passes on these traits from generation to generation.
This sugar is used for three purposes. Firstly it provides energy from converting glucose into lactic acid for cancer cells to divide, without using oxygen. Secondly glucose uses oxygen and provides all the energy for your brain to function. Thirdly glucose with oxygen controls normal cell division. Cancer is a fault in this control which makes it cancerous.
434 MHz Ultra High Frequency Radiowaves
I discovered in 1973 that this frequency (used throughout the continent of Europe as the standard frequency for medical purposes) will temporarily activate cancer's burning of glucose without oxygen for between 20 and 30 minutes. Millions of patients throughout Europe have been treated since 1948 with this frequency for stimulating the repair of injuries, fractures, wound healing etc without any side effects being discovered. It stimulates normal cell division which is self limiting when repair is complete.
If the cancer cells' uptake of glucose from the blood can be blocked before applying UHF radiation the cancer cell will die. This is selective killing because it ONLY acts on the Glucose to Lactic Acid system.
The Treatment Method
Intravenous injection of glucose blocking agents immediately before UHF are essential and have to be given quickly through a vein or an intravenous line. The blocking agents consist of cystine and oxidised glutathione and other similar forms of amino acids in their fully oxidised state. They carry a lot of oxygen with them, they look like glucose to the cancer cell and are therefore rapidly absorbed by them immediately the UHF radiation commences. The glucose is “burnt” by the blocking agent's oxygen and the cancer cell dies.
Large arm veins are the most suitable site for injection. The smaller veins of the hand are unsuitable. The injection is slightly irritant and is approximately 50 ml of fluid. Before treatment starts a PICC line (Per Intravenous Cutaneous Catheter) can be inserted if the patient has poor veins. The line is inserted by a radiologist using ultrasound placement into a deep vein in the upper arm and can only be done in Perth if the patient has private health insurance. At the end of treatment the PICC line can be easily removed.
Results have come from 15 treatments over three weeks, Monday to Friday - 15 working days (remember WA's public holidays!).
The infusion of the glucose blocking agent takes approximately fifteen minutes and is immediately followed by 20 to 25 minutes of UHF therapy using the radiowave machine to part or all of the body.
Complications of Treatment
434 MHz UHF creates resonance (it shakes cancer cells like a bell) and fluorescence (the cancer re-radiates different frequencies) and the energy does create some heat in the normal cells similar to sitting in front of a large electric fire. It must be emphasised that this is not heat treatment and MUST NOT be called hyperthermia where the body is deliberately raised to 41.8°C by non electrical methods. After treatment half an hour's rest on a relaxing chair/bed under a fan allows the patient to drive their car away if they wish.
Side Effects
Every patient has their haematology, biochemistry and proof of cancer levels etc estimated before and after treatment. The only contraindication to treatment is a rare disease called thalassaemia because the red blood corpuscles in this disease (there are a few lesser variants which also may cause trouble) are readily damaged by mild warming (body temperature never exceeds 39.5°C, upper limit of human tolerance is 41.8°C) and the patients become anaemic. This may need fairly urgent transfusion if it occurs.
Approximately 1% or 2% of patients slight symptoms of the brain being starved of glucose may occur. The cancer obtains its glucose supply using the amino acid cysteine but the brain extracts its glucose using the amino acid methionine. This rare complication can be completely avoided by eating 100 to 200 grams of cooked red meat five times a week. If you are not willing to eat red meat during treatment there is 1 in 50 chance that you will experience these side effects and require admission to hospital. Patients must understand that if they do not eat red meat that treatment is at their own risk and that they must bear all consequences thereof.
No patient will be treated who is taking any antioxidant other than that which is contained in a normal, simple diet. For example large doses of Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, selenium and multiple other so-called anti-cancer antioxidants may result in ineffective treatment simply because these substances destroy the glucose blocking agents before they reach the cancer cell.
General Features for Successful Treatment
A: The smaller the individual lesions the better the result because as cancer masses become bigger so the blood supply to the centre decreases and the drug cannot penetrate there.
B: The total mass of cancer is important. Any estimated load in excess of 100 grams will probably require more than one session of treatment.
The Practical Regime
I treat every patient whom I consider have a chance of response with 15 days of treatment. Then wait six to eight weeks and reassess the situation. If there is significant improvement - decrease by 10-20% of the cancer mass - then retreatment should be carried out because cure is possible in such patients. The maximum number of treatment courses given was seven in a patient with mesothelioma treated twelve years ago who now is alive and well without evidence of the disease.
Specific Contraindications to Treatment
1. A major contraindication to UHF therapy is having had any form of chemotherapy (also called cytotoxics, or cytotoxic treatment). These drugs are non-specific cell poisons designed to act against the genetic material in the cell nucleus. They do not act specifically on the cause of cancer, which is damage in the cytoplasm or extra-nuclear part of the cell. Normal cells are designed and controlled perfection using genetic information. Cancer is caused by irreparable damage to the system which interprets our genetic “blueprint”. It is pointless to destroy genes when their instructions are ignored by a defective system.
Some cytotoxic drugs may make normal cells more conductive to electricity so that there is little electrical difference between cancer cells and normal cells and then UHF no longer only acts on cancer cells.
2. Collections of fluid in the chest cavities, heart cavity or abdominal cavity must be drained and the cavities dry if satisfactory results are to be obtained in the underlying cancer. As examples - cancer of the lung and breast can cause outpourings of fluid in the left or right pleural space (cavity surrounding the lung) and more rarely in the pericardial (heart) space. UHF radiation will not penetrate collections of fluid. They may become hot enough to increase the damage in the cavities.
Fluid in the peritoneal cavity is called ascites. This is a common accompaniment of ovarian cancer and partial blockage to the lymphatics draining the abdominal cavity and occasionally due to obstruction in the liver from secondary cancer in that organ. Ascites may also get worse after UHF treatment and may prevent the underlying cancer receiving any effective UHF dosage. Ascites, pleural and/or pericardial collections of fluid are best treated by aspiration and installation of appropriate substances so that the surfaces of the space are inflamed and stick together thus obliterating the space. The effusion must have been controlled completely by such measures before radiowave therapy is possible .
If patients arrive with collections of fluid and this minor operation has to be performed before or during treatment they will be referred for drainage by another doctor. Patients without private hospital insurance cover with this complication will be referred to a public hospital, if so requested.
3. Smoking is absolutely contraindicated to the treatment. Treatment must not be commenced until at least several weeks after smoking has ceased. The carbon monoxide in cigarette smoke may inactivate the oxygenating effect of the glucose blocking agent.
Further Information
Treatment is given only as out-patient attendance. Stretcher patients do not fit within the machine and wheel chair bound patients can only be treated if they are fairly mobile. Should any problem arise and a public hospital admission is essential, not only is Dr Holt unable to supervise you in such an institution but UHF therapy cannot be given whilst an in-patient in one.
All hospitals in WA require every interstate patient admitted to have a certificate from their local pathologist stating that they are free from MRSA (Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus infection). To minimise cross infection in our own rooms the results of the MRSA test must be known to us before arriving for a course of therapy.
The treatment centre is in West Perth, an inner suburb with free bus travel to the city. Short term rental flats are available within a one to five kilometre radius. Your travel agent can arrange an hotel to start and then you can find your exact needs at leisure.
A three week course of treatment is a total of $6550 with a Medicare rebate (at 85% of the scheduled fee) of $2206.50 (as at 1 November 2003). The difference of $4343.50 must be paid during the first week of treatment.
Under the new Safety Net Medicare will now meet 80% of the out-of-pocket costs for medical services. Medicare may therefore give you a further rebate after the account for treatment has been processed by them.
Always make a claim from your State against your travel costs to WA (Patients’ Assisted Travel Scheme/Patient Transport Assistance Scheme). These forms are available from your local hospital.
Please note that we do not have the facilities to accept eftpos or credit card transactions. Payment can be made via cash or cheque.
If you do not have a referral from your GP or a specialist Medicare will not pay their portion of your account. Please ensure you bring one with you.
J A G Holt
M.B., Ch.B., F.R.C.S., F.R.C.R., F.R.A.C.R, D.M.R.T., D.R.C.O.G.
Low dose, alternating electric current inhibits growth of prostate cancer.
Koreckij TD, Hill C, Azure L, Nguyen H, Kunz LL, Azure A, Corey E, Lange P, Vessella RL.
Department of Urology, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington 98195, USA.
A number of minimally invasive technologies exist for the treatment of prostate cancer (CaP), each with their associated morbidities. We sought to test the efficacy of low dose alternating electric current (LDAEC) to inhibit CaP growth in a preclinical setting and determine its effect on normal tissue.
In the first study, two power settings, 15 or 25 mA of current, and two treatment times, 15 or 60 min, were evaluated in C4-2B CaP xenografts. In the second study, power was regulated to maintain an intra-tumoral temperature of
The most effective tumor volume reduction in the first study was seen with tumors treated with 25 mA for 15 min (62 +/- 9.4% decrease, P = 0.001). Longer treatment time did not enhance treatment effect. Using 45 degrees C to govern delivery of LDAEC resulted in a near 100% reduction in tumor volume in 8/10 mice with C4-2B tumors (P < 0.001) with similar inhibition of LuCaP 35 tumors (P = 0.01). This treatment, although resulting in skeletal muscle necrosis, did not affect nerves, smooth muscle and blood vessels.
LDAEC demonstrates efficacy against C4-2B and LuCaP 35 CaP xenografts while causing no harm to nerves and blood vessels. These results warrant further investigations into the use of LDAEC as a treatment for CaP.
(c) 2009 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Radiowave, nanoparticles, and antibodies coating to cure cancer
The Kanzius Machine: A Cancer Cure?
聯合報/記者詹建富 2007/05/30
目前,醫界用電能所產生的刺激,最主要用在減少疼痛,或避免、延緩肌肉萎縮,減輕肌肉痙攣和促進血液循環。鍾佩珍舉常見的肌肉、關節疼痛為例,最常用是以經皮神經電刺激器(TENS,中文名稱為「痛止」),或以中頻干擾波 (IFC)透過脈衝電流,對肌肉及肌肉進行電刺激,提高對疼痛的耐受度,另一方面也影響或阻隔神經傳遞痛的感覺,進而降低疼痛,這即是疼痛的「門閥控制」理論。
另外,肌肉電刺激療法 (ES)則是讓中風或周邊神經損傷患者,用來避免肌肉萎縮。台北國泰醫院物理治療組長簡文仁舉顏面神經麻痺為例,這類病患如果沒有治療,容易造成臉部肌肉萎縮,導致嘴歪眼斜,給予肌肉電刺激可以代替暫時失去功能的神經,防止肌肉萎縮。
1.The Better Back Book(背痛輕百科)/Stella Weller著、洪世民譯/山岳文化
全文網址: 電療》電流 善用治病 亂用致命 - 新聞中的科學 - 文教要聞 - udn校園博覽會 http://mag.udn.com/mag/campus/storypage.jsp?f_ART_ID=71161#ixzz2DERJETdl
Power By udn.com
摘錄自富山醫科藥科大學田澤賢次教授之研究報導內容,由義守大學物理治療系系主 任廖文炫 博士整理
廖文炫博士表示,這些都可以透過固定使用HEALTHTRON 來獲得最佳改善效果。
田澤賢次 簡介
問 1 誰發明高電位療法
問 2 什麼是高電位療法
問 3 高電位療法原理
問 4 高電位療法作用與機制
問 5 高電位療法作用
問 6 通則不痛
問 7 高電位療法適應症
問 8 高電位療法禁忌症
問 9 高電位療法為什麼適應症很多
問 10 高電位療法並不適用於所有的疾病
問 11 高電位療法使用中特別的注意事項
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