1.即低澱粉食療 Low starch diet.
這是英國King's college 醫學院免役學教授Dr. Alan Ebringer多年的研究結果.他建議病人不要吃麵包,蛋糕,馬鈴署之類含澱粉質的東西.根據我的看法,麵包,蛋糕是屬於精製澱粉類食物.所以不是澱粉不能吃,而是精製食物不能吃,所謂五白不碰:白糖白米白麵粉白鹽及白牛奶.一切以有机天然為主.
至於他主張多吃肉及魚,而不吃澱粉類食物有點像Zone diet. 因多吃魚肉易得癌症,我覺得每天最多不要超過50公克而且以不含有荷而蒙抗生素的肉類為主.魚因含有水銀更要節制.所以最好以有机素食為主.如果你試有机素食而不用五白三個月不見效,那我建議你再去採用Alan Ebringer的低澱粉食療.Dr. Jordan Rubin曾得克隆氏症,乃靠神的食物而治療癒.所謂神的食物既無污染無精製的天然有机食物牛羊吃草而不餵穀物不打抗生素不加荷而蒙.蔬菜水果皆有机天然.
有人用金色葡萄乾泡Gin酒而治癒風濕性關節炎.僵直性脊椎炎患者也可一試.每天十顆相當好吃.(我買的是Organic Hunza manuka raisin, gin 酒是英國貨.我泡來當點心吃)
以下為 Alan Ebringer 的方法:
1. Increase meat and fish, beans and peas, nuts, vegetables, fruits, milk and milk products.
2. Reduce bread, potatoes, crisps, rice, pasta, cereals, cakes and biscuits.
In an initial study, 36 patients with active AS were put on Ebringers diet. After nine months, measures of inflammation were significantly reduced and most of the patients reported a reduction in their symptoms. In a few cases, symptoms disappeared altogether. Since 1983, Dr Ebringer has used this diet at his clinic with great success. In fact, around half of the AS sufferers who try it dont require any medication to control their disease.
Although these are great results, the process of using diet to eliminate Klebsiella can be greatly helped along by taking a few specific herbs each day that have been found to be active against this microbe and also encourage healthy bowel flora. They include freshly crushed, uncooked garlic or allicin-releasing tablets (1 to 2 cloves or equivalent), Golden seal (2g to 3g), and essential oil of oregano (150mg).
Taking daily doses of the following anti-inflammatory herbs can also help to control symptoms while the low-starch diet and anti-microbial herbs do their work: Boswellia (1,200mg of extract standardized to 60 to 70 per cent boswellic acids), willow bark (doses containing at least 150mg of salicin), ginger (1g to 2g), turmeric (6g to 8g), and celery seed (3g to 5g).
Kings College Doctor Alan Ebringer
The maker's diet By Joran S. Rubin Sloam, A Strang Company 2004